Traditionally, a workplace is designed to place function and operation as a priority, leaving the space’s inhabitants and their needs behind. As more and more employers shift the workplace experience to better retain talent and adapt to workers’ changing needs, the office follows suit by slowly adopting a more human-centred design. To find out how the traditional office has changed, we’ll explore the humanisation of the workplace and the implications it brings to the table.
1. Fostering Organic Connection
No longer can companies view employees as mere cogs in a machine; there is an emphasis for employees to be seen as individuals with multifaceted identities outside of being mere workers. This also means that traditional working needs, such as simply getting paid, have evolved and employees are looking to have a workplace that gives them a fulfilling work experience.
Such needs can be met should companies proactively create avenues to build trust and camaraderie amongst employees. Incorporating open plan spaces, such as café-style areas and entertainment corners, allows one to connect with another, sparking creative thinking and conversations beyond the small talks.
As such, rather than investing in traditional walled offices and large board rooms, businesses are now opting for open coworking spaces and smaller meeting rooms that allow for intimate conversations to take place. Increased collaborative and conversational opportunities will enable one to build trust and meaningful relationships in the long run.
2. Promoting Health And Happiness
New research has shown that a pleasant work environment holds a considerable influence on an employee’s happiness and job satisfaction. As job satisfaction increases, so do morale, creativity, and productivity. Hence, employees’ happiness and wellbeing must be placed at the heart of any office design.
In order to aid in an employee’s attempt to maximise their workplace fulfilment, companies need to build an environment that secures and promotes such values. One such approach is to opt for a flexible office space that is equipped with recreational amenities such as gym facilities, entertainment corners and the like.
Promoting health and wellness in the workplace sometimes also means encouraging napping. As such, some forward-thinking companies have also added nap rooms to their offices. Often than not, many employees lose sleep too busy chasing deadlines and, as a result, stay awake burning the midnight oil working. Coming to work the next day, sleep deprived, is never good for their health and their productivity. This is where nap rooms come in. By allowing your employees to take a short power nap, you’ll see a surge in energy, creativity and productivity.
3. Celebrating The Individual
Homogeneous office environments are no longer the norm – or acceptable – for most companies that value innovation and creativity. A workplace design that values talent will celebrate individualistic needs that each employee possesses by promoting workspace personalisation. Giving your employees the option to choose and personalise their space as to how they see fit will also boost engagement and interaction amongst employees; thus increasing collaborative efforts and productivity.
Aside from giving way for office personalisation, you’ll also want to build an office space that can also fit various styles of work. By incorporating an ecosystem of spaces, you are also pushing for a multi-dimensional workplace that can reflect and cater to diverse needs.
The future of workplaces is not so much about the location, but more so on the experience and the culture of care and empowerment incorporated in the space. As more companies adopt a humanised office design, more employees can revel in fulfilled needs and wants, which will only benefit the company in the long run.
At Greenhub Singapore, we strive to offer an office rental that meets these evolved workplace needs, and more! Our green and modern office spaces offer an environment that not only guarantees productivity and efficiency, but also promotes mental health by alleviating stress. Your workers will no longer dread working in a stifling and stressful work environment that restricts their creativity and innovation. Don’t wait and build the foundation for a pleasant work experience with us at Greenhub Singapore!