When starting a new business, one important asset that business owners must acquire is a base of operations. Despite its myriad benefits, owning a physical office space will almost always be a concern for entrepreneurs as it requires a hefty investment. Once other...
With its perks and benefits, there’s no doubt that coworking spaces are all highly raved about, and some may even go so far to claim that it works as a better workspace alternative to a traditional office. If you’re new to the concept, coworking spaces are essentially...
In the age where entrepreneurship spirit runs high, coworking spaces have quickly become the favourite amongst entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small businesses. More than an affordable alternative to the rigidity of typical offices, coworking spaces offer a conducive...
Before one establishes a business, one needs to prepare a few fundamentals that are imperative to the success of one’s business; one of them being: a strong business model. Whilst this is seemingly obvious, you’d be surprised at how many business owners failed to come...
If we were to surmise the economy in 2020, it would look as such: an unprecedented pandemic has shut down the economy almost entirely, causing it to collapse without modern precedent. The economy has then had a slow recovery with the relaxing of circuit breaker...